PRC-Comunicare la Scienza Sagl can do video interviews, and make event reports, educational films and industrial videos, with high-quality content and technical production, at competitive prices. Click here (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrBFDuL-PwhOfOXHbGP1plA) for examples of videos we have made (in Italian) for the Assedio Bianco and Pink is Good websites (Umberto Veronesi Foundation).
There is another example at the top of this page: Professor Umberto Veronesi’s video presentation for Visioni sul futuro, an event organised in 2016 by the Banca della Svizzera Italiana, with the scientific contribution of the Fondazione per la Scienza and the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, in Lugano.
Video can also be used to explain effectively the symptoms of a disease and how to deal with an illness successfully, through the story of a person with that disease, but who has managed to find a way to manage and overcome it. Here is the video story of Claudia Zanella, a young journalist from Milan, whose ambition is to become a war correspondent and has not let Crohn's disease stop her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBQO216XuYc