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“Extract” the most interesting news for the non-specialist media from the scientific activities of a public body, or a company. Decipher the obscure language of labs and congresses in order to reveal the topics that concern everyone's lives. Decide the best image to give of the research activity. PRC-Comunicare la Scienza is able to prepare all these strategies, by supporting internal communication structures, where existing, or by managing information pathways from outside. Read more
We can produce all types of journalistic texts on scientific topics for institutions or companies (articles, in-depth reports, website content, brochures and books). The agency can also provide the design and packaging of entire dedicated pages (journalism advertorials, i.e. special paid pages), to be agreed with the management of selected newspapers, magazines or websites. Read more
Science can also be communicated through videos. Indeed, these "products" are particularly effective, and extremely popular on the web and on smartphones. We can do video interviews with experts and make reports, video stories, educational and technical videos, and video animation, at competitive prices, but with high technical quality and valuable content. Read more
The press office has to "convey" the scientific content selected with the client and then "translated" for the general public to the editorial offices of print newspapers, websites, radio and TV stations. This activity must be discerning and thorough, with considerable attention paid to the quality of the news and the characteristics of the newspapers to which it is addressed. Our agency carries out this work in close collaboration with Francesca Rossini's Laboratorio delle parole, which is very well established in Ticino and Italy. Read more
We have the skills and people to design and manage complete web and mobile sites or to set up new specialised sections on existing sites, supporting public bodies and companies that wish to make their scientific activity known through this fundamental means of communication. Read more
PRC-Comunicare la Scienza can monitor leading international scientific journals and select news and updates on specific topics based on the client’s needs. It can also prepare these topics, producing journalistic articles to feature on corporate websites. Read more
Social media is a crucial means for reaching a younger audience, or those who no longer use traditional media. However, this social activity must be managed in a meticulous and professional way by selecting content with extreme care, deciding on medium and long-term strategies, and creating continuous links with other pages that are complementary to some degree. Read more
It is said that a photo is sometimes worth more than a thousand words , and this is true. Images arouse emotions and — in the case of a little-known world such as that of scientific research — they can reveal, literally, what is happening in labs. Pictures can also give a face to the people who are working every day to improve our lives, but often only known to a narrow circle of insiders. The language of images, however, must be similar to that of a story, it must have a scientific, but also a narrative tone. And this is what we are committed to doing. Read more
The work of researchers can also (and, in some cases, must) be communicated through books: weighty documents, but also short publications, are made more pleasant and easy to read via illustrations created specifically for the purpose. Of course, it is also necessary in this case to combine the fun narrative part with a solid scientific basis, which must always be rigorous (and this is not always easy). But the challenge is thrilling and, when this blend is achieved, it is an effective means for capturing the reader’s attention. Read more